
What is Happiness?

Ibn Qayyim Says


Happiness is attained by three things: being patient when tested, being thankful when

 Receiving happiness is attained by three things: being patient when tested, being thankful when, and being repentant upon sinning.



In Islam, the concept of happiness is referred to as falah. Falah is pleasure and peace that anyone can have in this life and in the afterlife. Even though it differs from formal religious activity, happiness encompasses all spiritual qualities (feelings).

As we see throughout the Quran, patience is the key to success. Allah, the Merciful, frequently emphasizes this virtue to us because He understands how important it is for us to be able to face life’s hardships. However, we frequently find it challenging to put our beliefs into practice.
So, how can you be patient when you’re in desperate need of it? Over and over again, Islam demonstrates that patience comes through practice. Understanding the various types of patience and practicing them one at a time is the best method to truly develop the talent of patience. When you consider the difficulties you face, you’ll see what kind of patience you’ll need the most. Patience can refer to endurance, self-control, not giving up, and perseverance, among other things. At its most basic level, patience entails holding what you’re doing or saying and giving yourself time to think about and process what you’re dealing with.
We’ll explore how to cultivate some of the most crucial characteristics of Patients in this quick lesson on patience. But, as Allah swt congratulates the Sabiroon (the Patients), I want you to realize the significance of patience in Islam.
Allah says 
Wa Bashiroo Sabiroon, And bring pleasant tidings to those who are patient.
We look for happiness in a variety of places. Consider what you require in your life to make you happy. A great huge house or a mansion would appeal to some of us. A vast plantation, some of us will say. Some of us may even say something insignificant, but we all seek enjoyment in possessions, and we are continuously on the lookout for them, striving for them throughout our lives.
“al-malu-wal-banona-zenatul-hayatid-dunya,” Allah-subhanahu-wa-tala declares in this verse, confirming that “al-malu-wal-banona-zenatul-hayatid-dunya.” The things that decorate your life are your wealth and your children.
However, the issue with these things is that they do not last. Your kids grow up and move out. Your wealth fluctuates. You waste your fortune and live in continual fear of losing it. As a result, wealth does not come without a significant amount of stress in your life.
In any case, there is no pure and utter bliss. In fact, most of what we pursue in our life does not lead to genuine bliss. We spend our lives running after various desires, and the reality is that while these desires make us happy, this euphoria is always fleeting. Allah subhanahu-wa-ta’ala, on the other hand, offers us the secret to happiness from the beginning.

However, the issue with these things is that they do not last. Your kids grow up and move out. Your wealth fluctuates. You waste your fortune and live in continual fear of losing it. As a result, wealth does not come without a significant amount of stress in your life. In any case, there is no pure and utter bliss. In fact, most of what we pursue in our life does not lead to genuine bliss. We spend our lives running after various desires, and the reality is that while these desires make us happy, this euphoria is always fleeting. Allah subhanahu-wa-ta'ala, on the other hand, offers us the secret to happiness from the beginning. He Subhanahu-wa-ta'ala, in fact, teaches us that happiness comes first.
May Allah make it easy for us, Aameen ya Allaah

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