Do you know who was Hazrat Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA)

Hazrat Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA)

Hazrat Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA)

All the companions of the prophet Muhammad (SAW) are the most respected and noble people after the prophets. Allah (SWT) says about them: “Allah is satisfied from them, and they are satisfied from him.” (Quran, ch 9, ver 100). Because, they had the opportunity to have the blessed meeting of the prophet Muhammad (SAW) which is something higher than every rank after Islam. However, it is necessary to add that among all of the companions of the prophet (SAW), the Muhajirin (companions of the prophet (SAW) who migrated from Makkah to Medina), and Ansaar (companions of the prophet (SAW) who welcomed the Muhajirin of Makkah) are so honored and high-ranked ones. Allah (SWT) says about them: “And as for the first and foremost from the Muhajirin and Ansaar, and those who followed them with goodness, so Allah is satisfied from them and they are satisfied from Allah, and (Allah) has prepared gardens for them under which rivers flow, they will be forever there. This is a great success.” (Quran, ch 9, ver 100).
Hazrat Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA)is one of the Muhajirin, and he is one of the closest companion of the prophet Muhammad (SAW). According to many Islamic historians, he was born in 573 AD, two years after the birth of the prophet (SAW). It means he was just two years younger than the prophet Muhammad (SAW). His name is Abdullah, and his father name is Usman who was also familiar with Abu Quhafah. Hazrat Salma (RA) was his mother, and Hazrat Aisha, the mother of believers was his daughter.
Before the prophecy of prophet Muhammad (SAW), Hazrat Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA) loved the prophet (SAW), and was one of his closest friends. And when the prophet (SAW) got the first revelation from the almighty Allah (SWT), he was the first who immediately converted to Islam without having any investigation about how, when and why.
In addition, he started to take part in the preaching Islam with the prophet (SAW), and he was the reason of Iman of Hazrat Usman (RA), Hazrat Saad Ibn Abi Waqas (RA), Hazrat Abdurrahman Ibn Awf (RA), and Hazrat Zubair Ibn Awam (RA). Not only this, he assisted the prophet Muhammad (SAW), and other Muslims financially when they needed his support.
When Muslims were tortured in the Makkah, and they were not allowed to worship Allah (SWT) with full confidence and rest, the prophet (SAW) ordered them to migrate from Makkah to Medina. But whenever Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA) asked the prophet (SAW) to migrate to Medina, the prophet (SAW) postponed him for some days saying that you may find a fair partner for your migration. Eventually, the prophet (SAW) chose him as the partner of migration, and they both arrived to Medina on 24 September 622 AD.
From here, the days of struggling and war against false started, and Abu Bakr Seddiq participated in every battle against the pagans with the prophet (SAW). In this case, too, Hazrat Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA) not only participated in the battles against the heathens and pagans, but he always offered his wealth to the prophet (SAW) to spend it on this holy purpose. In 632 AD, when prophet Muhammad (SAW) left the world accomplishing his mission of uniting all the Arab tribes, Hazrat Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA) was selected as the caliph of Muslims in Saqifa Banu Saadiah.
After being elected as the caliph of the Muslims, Hazrat Abu Bakr Seddiq started to quench the rebellions arisen in about all the Arab land because of the death of the prophet Muhammad (SAW). Among the rebels, some rejected paying Zakah to the Islamic state, some apostatized, and some others obeyed the false prophets such Musailma, and Tulaiha Al- Asadi. So, the first days of the caliphate of Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA) were so tough and frustrating. But the friend of the prophet, Abu Bakr Seddiq solved all these problems in an incredible manner, and showed why he was able to be the caliph of the prophet (SAW).
After that he was assured from all the inner revolts and problems, Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA) started to convey the message of truth to the east and west of the world. Therefore, he sent several battles to the Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Their commanders were Hazrat Khalid Ibn Waleed, Hazrat Abu Ubaidah, Hazrat Amr Ibn Aas and Mussana Ibn Harisa. And by the will of Allah (SWT), the Islamic army got many triumphs over the enemy in which the battle of Yarmuk is so famous. The battle of Yarmuk was fought with the Roman Empire in Syria in the ground of Yarmuk. In this battle, Muslims got their first obvious-successful triumph over the Roman Empire, and which was the beginning of the Islamic empire.
Unfortunately, on the day, the Islamic army was celebrating the happiness of this big triumph, they got the sad news that the caliph of the prophet (SAW), Hazrat Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA) has passed away. This was the 23th of August, 634 AD which is equivalent to 22th Jamadi Al- Thani, 13 Hijri. May Allah (SWT) bless him with his mercy and compassion! When he died, he was 63 years old.
The Nobility of Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA): It is impossible to encompass the greatness and nobility of Hazrat Abu Bakr Seddiq (RA) in this article. In fact, in order to show his position and rank, a thick book must be provided. But we think this hadith will give you the idea of what rank he has. Hazrat Abdulllah Ibn Masood narrates that he prophet of Allah (SAW) said: “I am free of taking any Khalil (pure friend), and if I were to take someone as my Khalil, I would take Ibn Abi Quhafa (Abu Bakr Seddiq) as my Khalil.” (Sunan Tirmidhi, #3655)

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