The Month Of Rajab 2022: Importance, And Virtues

The Islamic calendar’s seventh month, Rajab is one of the four holy months. Its name comes from the Arabic word ‘Rajaba,’ which means ‘to respect.’ This month, also known as Rajab al-Murajjab (which means “greatly honored and amplified”), is said to have various qualities by Muslims. The number of days in Rajab is debatable; some say it has 29 days, while others claim it has 30.

According to saint Abd al-Qadir, Rajab is made up of three letters: Ra, Jeem, and Ba. Ra stands for Rah’matullah, which means Allah’s compassion; Jeem represents Ju’duAllah, which means Allah’s generosity; and Ba stands for Bir’uAllah, which means Allah’s love. Click here and read about the importance of education in islam.


The Importance of Rajab Month

Rajab, often known as ‘Rajab — the Separate Month,’ has specific importance in Islamic culture. It is distinct from the other three holy months, which all fall on the same day.


However, It is known by 18 different names, including Al Mu’tahir (the cleaner), Al Mu’ali (the elevator), Al Mudar (of the clan of), Al-Murajjab (the renowned), and Al-Asam, all of which are derived from its benefits (the deafening).


During this month, Muslims intensify their good actions and avoid doing anything against Islam’s teachings. The following are the advantages of Rajab month:

1. It is Allah’s month

Rajab is considered Allah’s month; hence Muslims devote special attention. According to the Prophet, Allah’s month is Rajab, whereas the Prophet’s month is Shaban, and Ramadan is the month of the Ummah. 


As a result, Muslims spend their time throughout Rajab praying and aiding the poor, as doing good during Allah’s month brings rewards and blessings.

2. The month of Rajab saw significant historical occurrences

Many historically important events occurred during the month of Rajab, including:

  • During the holy month of Rajab, the Prophet’s heavenly parents married.

  • The Prophet’s mother, Aminah, gave birth to him during this holy month.

  • During the 27th night of Rajab, the Prophet made a remarkable nocturnal voyage and ascent into the skies. ‘Isra miraj day’ is commemorated on this day.

Rajab’s Virtues: What to Do During This Holy Month

To obtain Allah’s blessings during the holy month of Rajab, one should endeavor to accomplish the following acts:

Maintain tranquility

All hostilities cease during this holy month, and all conflicts are placed on hold. The month is also known as Rajab al-Asamm, which translates to “Silent Rajab,” since fighting is forbidden during this time. Any wrongdoing around this period is considered a major sin that displeases Allah and earns condemnation.

Keep an eye on Istighfar

Rajab is a fantastic chance for people seeking Allah’s pardon. Rajab, the Prophet stated, is the month of absolution; therefore, seek Allah’s pardon. In Islam, this month is known as al-Asabb, which refers to a torrent of heavenly kindness. Anyone who prays to the Almighty with a pure heart and pleads for compassion at this time will be forgiven.

Fasting throughout the month of Rajab

Fasting throughout this month reaps benefits and virtues. The great Prophet is claimed to have declared that Ridwan, an angel in paradise, would reward everyone who fasts for a day during Rajab. The gates of hell will shut behind them, and God’s vengeance will be separated from them.

Give Sadaqah (Charity)

Giving to people in need not only reaps benefits in this life but also reaps the rewards in the hereafter. As a result, you suggest that you assist others and donate to charity.

Is it Beneficial to Perform Umrah During Rajab?

Because Rajab is a holy month in Islam, many people feel that making the sacred journey of Umrah at this time of year would reap additional benefits. However, there is no record of the Prophet saying anything about the benefits of completing Umrah in Rajab in any Hadith.


During the month of Rajab, noblemen such as Umar ibn al Khattab, Uthman Ibn Afaan, and Ali Ibn Abi Talib undertook Umrah. This encouraged their fans to do the same. Devout predecessors are also said to have performed Umrah in Rajab after completing Hajj to maximize their benefits.

Rajab is a month of fasting

Even though there is no credible evidence of Muslims fasting in the month of Rajab, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) instructed Muslims to fast throughout the four holy months. According to Abu Dawood, the Prophet (PBUH) spoke three times. 


As a result, most first-generation Muslims are claimed to have fasted throughout the month of Rajab. Ali Hassan Al Basri, Ibn Umar, Sufyan Al Thawree, and Abu Ishaak Al Siba’i are just a few well-known and illustrious names. As a result, fasting in Rajab has enormous advantages and is equivalent to fasting in the other three holy months.


Also read about Hajj Importance.

Fasting days during the month of Rajab

According to Abu Hurairah, the Prophet (PBUH) used to fast on Mondays and Thursdays. “Oh Messenger of Allah, do we see you are fasting Monday and Thursday?” he said. 


“Indeed, Allah forgives every Muslim on Monday and Thursday, except for the two who have hostility between them,” he said. “Leave them till they make amends,” Allah states. Ibn Ma’jah (Ibn Ma’jah)


“Acts are raised and announced on Mondays and Thursdays,” the Prophet (PBUH) remarked. “I would love for my actions to be raised and declared when I am fasting.” (Tirmidhi)


As a result, the best days to fast throughout the Rajab month are Mondays and Thursdays or Wednesdays and Thursdays. It is stated that the Prophet himself fasted on these days of the holy months, and as a result, the majority of people do as well.

Fasting on the 27th Rajab

On the 27th of Rajab, no prominent document says that Muslims should fast. Furthermore, a fasting day cannot be created on one’s own. 


As a result, individuals should only fast on the 27th Rajab if it occurs on a Monday or Thursday. Fasting on the 27th of Rajab (Monday or Thursday) will bring you the same advantages as fasting on any Monday or Thursday throughout the holy months.

Final Verdict:

In this article, we have told you about Rajab’s importance and virtues.



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