Who was Luqman (AS)?

Who was Luqman (AS)?

Without doubt, in their stories, there is a lesson for the intellectual people.” (Quran, cha 12, ver 111). Allah (SWT) repeats the same kinds of phrases in his holy book to remind people that every story about different types of tribes, different types of clans and persons found in the Quran, brings a beautiful lesson to ones who have understandings and intellects. Hence, this is the main reason Allah (SWT) has specified a significant portion of his book to the stories of the previous people. Because, he (SWT) knew that human beings won’t be as influenced by a direct order as by the stories of the previous tribes.

Who was Luqman (AS)?

Among the persons whom Allah (SWT) has mentioned in his book, and has named a complete chapter by his name, is Luqman (AS). His father name was Saran, and he was Habashi (Ethiopian). He lived in a town named Nawba that was in Aila. According to some of the historians, Luqman (AS) lived simultaneously with prophet Dawod (David) AS. As said above that he was an Ethiopian, therefore, he had black skin, low height and larger lips.
So, if Allah (SWT) mentions him in his book, then he must be a prophet of him. However, this isn’t the case. Among the Islamic scholars, few of them including Hazrat Jabir (RA) and Ikrama say that Luqman (AS) was a prophet. Despite that, the majority of them say that Luqman (AS) wasn’t a prophet. He was a virtuous person whom Allah (SWT) had given wisdom. Thus, some of the Islamic scholars think that Allah (SWT) offered him prophecy and wisdom. From which, Hazrat Luqman (AS) chose the wisdom, thinking that he would not be able to bear the noble burden of the prophecy.
Imam Ibn Kather reports in his book Al -bidaya Wannihaya that Hazrat Luqman (AS) was a slave during his teenage. But then Allah (SWT) gave him high rankings, and made him a sample to the righteous people. Ibn Kather adds that once upon a time, Hazrat Luqman (AS) was in a gathering, people from faraway places were coming to meet him, and there was a rush on his door. Among them, a person came to him, and asked: are you Luqman? He replied: yes, I am Luqman. The person asked: are you not the person who was a slave of Nuhas tribe, and grazing (their) cattle? He said: yes, I was. The person then said: so what brought you to this noble position? Hazrat Luqman (AS) said: Allah (SWT) gave me this rank because of saying truth (being honest), by my honor to the guests and good behavior with the neighbors, by avoiding myself from impertinent actions and speeches. Allah (SWT) gave me the high ranks and dignity by implementing these deeds in myself. And O my nephew! If you obey them, you will also get this rank.
These were the habits that lead Hazrat Luqman (AS) to get near to Allah (SWT). And therefore, Allah (SWT) mentions him in the holy Quran. Allah (SWT) says: “and without doubt, we gave wisdom to the Luqman, (and told him) to be thankful to Allah. And one who thanks (to Allah), is actually grateful to himself. And one who is ungrateful (to Allah), so Allah is free of all needs, worthy of admiration.” (Quran, cha 31, ver 12)
In the above verse of the Quran, Allah (SWT) says that we gave wisdom to Luqman, and because of this big bounty, we (SWT) ordered him to be thankful to us. Indeed, this is a gift which can’t be bought by any amount of the wealth of this world. So as Luqman (AS) was given the wisdom, then his speeches must be precious, and worthy of to narrate. Therefore, Allah (SWT) reports some of Luqman’s advices that he gave to his son. As this is available in the Quran when Luqman (AS) said to his son: “O my son! Don’t make associate parts with Allah. Indeed, associating parts with Allah is a big injustice.” (Quran, cha 31, ver 13). It is noticeable that the first advice Hazrat Luqman (AS) offered to his son was, not to associate partners with Allah (SWT). Since, this is the biggest sin, and one who has done it, will never enter to Jannah.
The next verse continues: “and we advised the human (to be nice) to his parents.” (Quran, cha 31, ver 14). Here, Luqman (AS) is telling his son to respect his parents and to have nice behavior with them. Note that insulting or disrespecting parents is one of the biggest sins repeated many times after Shirk in the Quran.
And one verse after it, Luqman (AS) tells his son: “O my son! Establish the Salah and order with the fair and forbid from unfair, and be patient of what happens to you (in this way). Indeed, these (deeds) are from the determinations. And don’t turn away your cheek from the people, and don’t walk with proud on the land. Surely, Allah doesn’t like one who is arrogant and proud. And be moderate in your walk, and keep your voice lower. Indeed, the worst voice is the voice of donkeys.” (Quran, cha 31, ver 17-19).
Without doubt, these advices to his son show the wisdom and knowledge of Hazrat Luqman (AS). Thus, Allah (SWT) brought them in his book to aware us of his life, and to benefit us from his precious advices.
After that we have learned some of the most beautiful advices of Hazrat Luqman (AS) narrated in the Quran, I would like to put two other ones for you. Since, they influenced me the most, and perhaps, would do the same with you.
Hazrat Luqman (AS) told his son: O my son! Don’t love ignorant people. Keep in mind to always love educated persons.
My son! The criteria of noble men are: having fair and soft relationship with other people. Also, keep in mind, talk with wisdom and (while talking) keep your voice lower.

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