Benefits of doing Dhikr

Benefits of doing Dhikr

The word Dhikr means to remember and to remind. But in some cases, it can also mean to give or take advice. The lord of the universe, Allah (SWT) says in his book: “indeed, withinBenefits of doing Dhikr the self of the prophet of Allah, there is an example for those who have hope in Allah and the Day of Judgment among you, and those who remembers Allah the most.” (Qura, ch 33, ver 20).
One can notice that in the above verse of the Quran, the word “remember” is the translation of the word Dhikr. Hence, it would mean that one who intends the satisfaction of Allah (SWT), want to pass in the final test of the Ahkirah, and wants to remember Allah (SWT), then the prophet of Allah (SAW) is a good example for them to follow in carrying out all these deeds.
In another verse of the Quran, Allah (SWT) says: “So, woe to those whose hearts are hardened from the remembrance of Allah” (Quran, ch 39, ver 22). So, from the Quranic verses, it appears that Dhikr means to keep in mind the glory of Allah (SWT), and to remember him alone in every moment of life. As a result, one who remembers Allah (SWT), would never commit a sin. Since, the remembrance of Allah (SWT) would never let him do against his commands.
Please note that normally when we talk about Dhikr, we mean some special phrases or sentences to be recited on daily basis. However, this is the general meaning of Dhikr in Islamic texts, one should not limit his mind only to the same thought. Because, as in the above verses of the Quran, Dhikr means to remember Allah (SWT). Then whether this remembrance comes with the recitation of some special sentences, being involved in the worship of Allah, or to prevent yourself from evils for the sake of Allah (SWT).
Now, once the meaning of Dhikr is explained, let’s discuss some of the most important benefits of doing Dhikr.
Doing Dhikr Prevents you from Commuting Sins: So, what else is important for a true believer? When you get noticed that one of the benefits of doing Dhikr is that it restricts you from committing evils and sins, then what would be another good news rather than this for your Akhirah.
It is a String of Connection between you and Allah (SWT): This is the most important advantage of doing Dhikr. The prophet of Allah (SAW) says that Allah (SWT) says about his servant: “I deal with my servants as per their intentions. When they remember me, I will be with them. If they keep me in their souls, I will keep them in my soul. If they remember me in a gathering, I will remember them in a gathering.”
Hence, all the glorious prophets of Allah (SWT), noble men from Suhaba and the righteous Muslims were used to do Dhikr of Allah (SWT) in every single moment of their lives. Their souls and minds always remembered Allah (SWT) that caused them to be always involved in worship of Allah (SWT), and to stay away from his forbidden deeds. Their tongues were always used with reciting the glory and majesty of Allah (SWT), and that gave them the ability to create a strong bond with him.
Doing Dhikr is a Means of Assuring the Vagrant Soul of Human being: In today’s developed world, people are so wanderer in their daily-life problems. Everyone tries to have best-life facilities, luxury, wealth, a beautiful home, woman and other means to get enough joy from the life. But somewhere in following all these desires, humans are suffering from many tensions and uncertainty. Their hearts have become hollowed, and their souls get wandering after wander.
Despite all these, the lord of the creatures (SWT) says that the real certainty and relaxation are within his Dhikr and his worshiping. As he says: “Be aware, with the Dhikr of Allah, the hearts become assured.” (Quran, ch 13, ver 28). Remember, these are the true words of the creator of us, and the entire universe. He knows the better what is the real success, the pleasure, and the real assurance for the human being. So, one who elects doing Dhikr as his/her daily routine, would never feel uncertain in life.
It is Physical and Inner Remedy for the Human beings: The almighty lord of the universe (SWT) says in his book: “And we reveal from the Quran which is a healing and mercy for the believers.” (Quran, ch 17, ver 82). Pay attention that the above verse say that the words of the Quran function as a healing for the believers. It means reciting, translating, and obeying the holy Quran cause all inner and physical healing for a believer. Thus, one should note that Quran is the best Dhikr among all words of Dhikr.
Doing Dhikr is the Reason of Forgiveness of Allah (SWT): It is clear that the human beings aren’t safe from making mistakes and sins. Therefore, we always need to seek Allah’s forgiveness. Indeed, he forgives his servants if they repent and get involved in doing his Dhikr. Since, seeking forgiveness of Allah (SWT) is a type of Dhikr itself. The prophet of Allah (SAW) says: “Once a time, there is a shade on my heart (and because of that), I seek forgiveness from Allah hundred times a day.”

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