Islam and the Society

Islam and the Society

In contrast to other religions, Islam is the religion that covers and encompass every section of a human life. It has clear, apparent and obvious description about humanitarian morals, economics and business, politics and other social parts of a human life. This is the main reason why Islam is called the global and round-the-world religion. Why this religion is aimed for the entire humanity as Allah (SWT) says in his book: “And we haven’t sent you but for the entire people, the good news giver and frightener.” (Quran, ch 34, ver 28). Islam and the Society
Islam thinks of a community that is considered entirely one, and with a belief of unity. In an Islamic society, the god and creator is one, there one Sharia of only one messenger, the Qibla is one, the guide book (Quran) is one, and all the people are considered to be the offspring of only one father, prophet Adam (AS). Mentioning this point, Allah (SWT) says in his glorious book: “without doubt, this is your community, the only one community, and I am your lord. So, worship me!” (Quran, ch 21, ver 92)
Thus, it is significant to note that unity is the most fundamental pillar of an Islamic society. Allah (SWT) says in his book: “O people! Indeed, we created you from a male and a female, and divided you into groups and clans so that you may know each other. Indeed, the most decent among you is the most virtues person.” (Quran, Al- Hujurat, ver 13).
Confirming this claim, the prophet of Allah (S.A.W) says: “humans are of two types. One is fearer from Allah, righteous and decent to Allah, and another is evil, wretched who is so offended to Allah. Humans are the children of Adam, and Allah has made Prophet Adam from dust.” (Sunan Thirmidhi, #3270). As a result, equality, oneness and justice among all the people are the first bases of an Islamic society.
The second pillar on which the Islamic community persists is the support, help and love among the members of the community. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) narrates from the prophet of Allah (S.A.W) that he said: “You won’t enter the Jannah until you believe (become a Muslim), and you won’t become Muslims until you love each other.” (Sahih Muslim, #196). In another hadith of the prophet of Allah (S.A.W), he says: The two persons who love each other for (the sake of satisfaction of) Allah, they meet each other for it, and leave each other for it, will be under the Shadow of Allah (Allah will give them protection from the high temperature) on the Day of Judgment” (Sahih Muslim, #2373).
Also, another hadith of the prophet of Allah (S.A.W) describes that a Muslim can never be a complete and good Muslim until he loves for others what he loves for himself. In another hadith of the prophet of Allah (S.A.W), he says: A believer compared to another believer is like a building. One brick of the building strengthens the other one.” (Sahih Muslim, #6575). Moreover, the prophet of Allah (S.A.W) says: “One can never be a good Muslim whom the other Muslims are not safe from the evil of his hand and tongue.”
Hazrat Jubair (RA) narrates from the prophet of Allah (S.A.W) that he said: “One who severs the sympathy (for relatives) won’t enter to Jannah.” (Sahih Muslim, #6510). In another hadith of the prophet of Allah (S.A.W), he says: “don’t grudge each other, don’t envy and don’t turn your face (from each other), and be the servants of Allah being brothers to each other.” (Sahih Muslim, #6516)
Then, looking to all these hadiths of the prophet of Allah (S.A.W), members of an Islamic society must live with peace, mercy with each other, help and support, and to like for other members of the society what they like for themselves. This was the pathway of all the companions of the prophet of Allah (S.A.W), the Taba’en, and all the great and righteous Muslims of all the time.
The thirds most valuable criterion of an Islamic society is the knowledge, learning oneself and teaching others. Of course, this is the religion whose first revelation is the word, read. According to a Sahih hadith of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) in Sahih Bukhari, the first revelation on the prophet Muhammad (SAW) happened in the cave of Hira. This revelation was the first verses of Surah Al- Alaq where Allah (SWT) says to his prophet: “Read in the name of your lord!” (Quran, Surah Al- Alaq, ver 1)
Furthermore, Allah (SWT) says: “Say (O prophet)! Are those who know and those who don’t know equal?” (Quran, ch 39, ver 9). In one other place of the Quran, Allah (SWT) says: “Allah grants higher degrees to those who believe and to those who are given the knowledge.” (Quran, ch 58, ver 11)
In the commentary of this verse, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas (RA) says: The educated Muslims will be greater in degree and position on the Day of Judgment and in the Jannah than the other non-educated Muslims. Since, this would be because of their knowledge and learning.
Besides this, the prophet of Allah (S.A.W) says: “one who treks a distance for getting education, Allah will make this way easy for him.” (Sunan Thirmidhi, 2646). Also, in another hadith of the prophet of Allah (SAW), he says: “one who goes out for seeking education, he is in the path of Allah until he returns.” (Sunan Thirmidhi, #2647).
A Muslim being a member of an Islamic society must make it a compulsory on himself to get education, and pay a role of the fundamental brick of the building as described in the above hadith. As mentioned above, when Muslims were obeying the commands of their lord, and their prophet, they were the leaders of the world. At that time, the Muslim community was a symbol of promotion, education, sympathy, support and love. However, from the instance, we gave up our way, we have been lost!

Islam and the Society

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