Exzellent Advice from Allah

Exzellent Advice from Allah

Alhamdulillah wassalatu wassalamu ala Rasullillah


In the  58 Aya of Surah  An-Nisa i want to share with you something  that Allsh  (SWT) Him self describes as No doubt  Allah (SWT) , how Beautiful it is the kind of  advice He is giving you. He gives us advice  all the time  but He doesn’t  stop and say, “you realize  how beautiful this advice is ”

That’s  what He did  in this  incredible ayah. He actually  stopped and  Prsised the advice itself. So it must  be something realy  special. Allah ( SWT) Says  ,  Thee are only two Parts of the advice.  He says, number one no doubt  about it, it is Allah  (SWT) in fact, He is the one that  has commanded  you  that you give in full the trust to those who deserve them.  Fulfill trusts.  You are  entrusted with certain things , make Sure do your full duty. This is the  first great advice Allah  (SWT) Says. has certain rights over us. He has entrusted us with la ilaha illa Allah, Allah realy; and it comes with certain obligations.  He is the  first Ahl really; He is first  one  qualifield  that  we should fulfill our trist before Him, but then  we have  a trust with His Rasul (SWT) how  to honor him, how to obey him ‘alayhi alsalat walsalam Then we have a trust beyond that with  our family, our Parents, our neighbors.  These  are all trusts. Allah (SWT) in this incredible summary  of islam,  is basically telling us that  your life the beautiful  commandment that  summarizes all of islam all together  is you give peaple what they deserve and no less. If you are an employer,  give your employess  no less than what they deserve.  If you  are an employee, give your employer  no less than what He or she deserves. If you are  a Student, give your  teacher  what He deserves , she deserves.  If You are  a teacher,  give your Student  what He or she deserves.  If You are an Imam,  give your  congregation what they deserve.  If You are a congregation,  give the Imam what  they deserve. Everybody needs to get what they deserve. By the way, if you  understand  this comprehensively, this ayah, you live by it pretty much in every transaction  in Your  life.  You are  Driving on the  street,  before  you cut  someone off you think, “Does this Person deserve  that? Before  you cut in line or Grab somebody  Else stuff , the courtesy we we Show each other  at the airpots. You know a lot of times , subhanallah,peaple  don’t even live this  when they Park outsides the masjid in jummuah.  Then the Rasulullah (S.A.W) tells us to Look out for our neighbors.  How many of us even know our neighbors?  And That’s  a right they have  over us . We dont even  know  their names. We should know  who  they are.  We should  know how they are doing. We shoul be checking  on them, Rasul taught us to take care of our neighbor. The Messenger taught us to take care of our neighbor..

May Allah (SWT )  help us live by his very very powerful advice and through living by this advice, May Allah  (SWT) change the face  of the  entire  Ummah.  Aameen

Exzellent Advice from Allah



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