Life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)

Life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W)Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), the person who has influenced the world more than any other one, was born on Monday, 29 Aug, 570 in the faraway deserts of Arabia, in the city of Makkah. Then it becomes 12 of Rabialawal before 53 years of the pilgrimage to Medina. His grandfather Abdul Mutalib gave him the name Muhammad while his mother Amna named him Ahmad. His father Abdullah died before he was born. The mother of the prophet, Amna was taking care of him before she died when he was six years. Abu Talib, the uncle of Prophet Muhammad was the man who went ahead to take care of him. (Kaseer, 774)

The prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) got married to his first wife, Hazrat Khadija in the age of 25 years while she was 40 years. As the prophet (S.A.W) grew elder, he loved to be solely and far away from the town. He loved to stay in the cave of Hira for days and nights and worship the only lord. He was forty years old when the angel Gabriel brought him the first revelation of Allah (SWT), and blessed him with the noble task of prophecy 1. Those verses were: “read by the name of your lord who created. Who created the human from the clot of blood. Read and your lord is beneficial. One who gave knowledge by the pen. He taught the human what he doesn’t know.” (Quran, chapter 96, verses 1-5).

The prophet (SAW) began his Da’wah to the religion of Allah (SWT), and for the first three years, he was giving the Da’wah secretly. He was trying to convert his family members, relatives, friends, and fellows to Islam. After three years of secret Da’wah, one day, he got up to the hill of Safa. He called to all the people of Makkah loudly and said that the torment of Allah (SWT) is coming upon this city if they don’t declare me as the prophet of Allah (SWT), and as the instructor of your life 2. Then what, this was just like a bell of danger for the companions of the Prophet (SAW).

Sahih Bukhari

Sunan Thirmidhi


The prophet (SAW) himself, and all his companions were tortured, humiliated, threatened, and boycotted for the next ten years before the prophet of Allah (SAW) eventually decided to migrate from Makkah to another city. This city was the city of Yasrib which was named Medina or Medinaturrasul after the migration of the prophet (S.A.W) and his companions.

Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and his companions made the foundation of the Islamic state in Medina and commenced to introduce themselves as a nation. But they were faced with the harsh menace of the pagans of Makkah and all other cities around Medina. In the second year of the Hijrah (migration), prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) along with his 313 companions faced the pagans of Makka in their first battle in the desert of Badr. The pagan army had around 1000 well-equipped fighters. Despite that, the Muslim army had only 313 fighters and having not had enough equipment. However, the victory was on the side of the prophet (S.A.W) and his companions. (Kaseer, 774)

In the third year after migration, the hillside of Uhud witnessed the second war between the Muslims and the pagans of Makkah. The believers’ side having 700 fighters showed incredible courage and bravery. But unfortunately this time, the pagans of Makkah dominated the battle. One tooth of the prophet of Allah (SAW) was pulled out, and his uncle Hazrat Hamza (RA) along with 70 companions were killed. (Kaseer, 774)

On the fifth Hijri year, about all the tribes around Medina got united under the command of the pagans of Makkah to attack Medina, and wanted to smash and pull out Muslims and Islam from the surface of the earth. They collected ten thousand fighters and directed them to Medina. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) along with his companions protected the city by digging a big and deep trench around the city. After the one-month siege, the pagans’ army was eventually compelled to leave the siege, and turn back to their towns.

In the sixth year of the migration, prophet Mummed (SAW) decided to pilgrimage the Makkah, and perform the Umrah. But the pagans of Makkah prevented the prophet (S.A.W), and his companions from entering Makkah. As a result, both sides agreed on some factors including that prophet Muhammad (SAW), and his companions will return to their city without pilgrimaging Ka’abah this year, and that both sides will restrict themselves from fighting against each other for ten years. This contract is named the Sulha of Hudaibia. (Kaseer, 774)

After that Muslims finally got some relaxation, prophet Muhammad (SAW) wrote letters to some of the biggest rulers and kings. Among them, the emperor of the Roman Empire, and the emperor of the Persian Empire are the most famous ones. This happened between the sixth and seventh Hijri years. Scholars of hadith have narrated the entire text of all the letters sent by the prophet (SAW) 1.

In the eighth of Hijri, the pagans of Makkah broke the agreement between them and the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Therefore, Prophet Muhammad led ten thousand worriers toward Makkah, but it was conquered without bleeding. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) forgave all the people who had tried their best to torture, threaten and even kill him and his companions. By doing this, he made the history of peace and sympathy throughout the globe. (Kaseer, 774)

Sahih Bukari

Conquering Makkah was the key to the triumph of all the Arabic lands. Within less than two years, all the Arabic nations and lands were surrendered to the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), and were united as one nation. The mission of the Prophet (S.A.W) was completed, and Arabs were now ready to conquer the entire world. On the tenth of Hijri, the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) decided to perform Haj. About 124,000 companions gathered in Makkah to perform Haj with the prophet (S.A.W). Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) meet all of them, advised & taught them the pillars of Islam, and said goodbye to them.

On 12 of Rabialawal, the eleventh of Hijri, equal to 8 June, 632 AD, Prophet Muhammad (SAW) passed away while he had filled the planet with the light of Iman and Islam. He was buried in his own home, next to the Masjid Nabawi in Medina. His sanctum is still the peace of millions of hearts around the globe. (Kaseer, 774)

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