7 Levels Of Jannah In Islam

Seven Levels Of Heaven

Jannah Islam defines heaven as Jannah, the paradise where good people rest after leaving their earthly bodies. The holy Quran describes it as ‘gardens of pleasure’, where people are rewarded after death for their excellent actions during their lifetime. Hence, it is believed that if one follows the rules set by Allah, commits no sin, and stays good throughout life, they go to heaven. There are seven levels of heaven in Islam, and each level has a different core and construction with a different prophet residing in them.

The Quran calls hell ‘Jahannam’. It is a place of blazing fire and painful torments. It is described as a pits landscape with boiling water and fire to physically torture one’s spirit. Its vivid descriptions in the Quran are a means to prevent Muslims from committing sins. Therefore, Muslims must follow every word of the holy book and take responsibility for their actions.

List of Seven Levels Of Jannah’s

There are 100 stages of Jannah, according to Sahi and Al Bukhari. The truth may be traced back to a hadith that states:

Jannah has a hundred levels, with distance between each level akin to the distance between the earth and the sky.”

Scholars say that there are primarily seven levels of heaven in Islam, based on the inclusion of various additional reliable narrations. Muslims believe that based on one’s conduct on earth, one will get the blessings and advantages of any degree of paradise.

What are the seven heaven levels?

Each of Islam’s seven levels of paradise has a degree or grade that determines where each soul is assigned. The righteousness of one’s acts determines the degree of heaven where one will stay after death. In addition, in Islam, several titles for paradise are given to different qualities. The following are the seven levels of heaven:

1. Jannat-al-Adan 

The ‘everlasting place’ is here. A Muslim is awarded a position in this paradise after repenting and enduring punishment for every transgression committed. Allah SWT promised His faithful in Surah Tawbah that they would find a position in the Gardens of Adan. This is where one discovers Allah’s greatest approval and the greatest triumph. The rivers that run underneath the gardens provide everything one might want.

2. Jannat-al-Firdaws 

Firdaws is a term for a garden having a wide variety of plants. The area is covered with grapevines. It is the highest level of Kutub-i-Sitta, and it is characterized as superior to all others.

3. Jannat-an-Naim 

The Almighty addressed this level in Surah Yunus, saying that those confident in Allah do excellent deeds. Their commitment motivated them to live a decent life and brought them to this point. In the ‘Paradise of Delight,’ such devotees would stumble upon rivers running under them and become a part of this level composed of iron.

4. Jannat-ul-Mawa 

It is a brass resting place for worshippers and martyrs. Mawa is a term used to describe a location where people seek sanctuary. It has residences and houses. This level is referred to be the ‘Garden of Adobe’ for refugees in Surah An Najm. It is supported by a lote tree on the outskirts of paradise.

5. Dar-ul-Khuld 

The ‘Garden of Immortality’ is the level where one may become everlasting or immortal. One may stay here indefinitely. The level is offered to those who devote themselves completely to their path and do not stray from it. This degree of heaven compensates for the loss and pain experienced throughout the trip by bringing the journey closer.

6. Dar-ul-Maqaam 

It’s a level of natural origin. It is here that the soul finds an eternal home. This stage of heaven is described in Surah al Fatir as a safe place where all suffering and exhaustion vanish. It is a place where the soul remains unaffected by everything.

7. Dar-us-Salam 

It is a haven for happiness. This is the seventh level of heaven, where safety and peace reign supreme. In Surah al Yunus, the Almighty summons those he had chosen to walk the Straight Path. Allah refers to it in Surah al Ana’am as a place where He would protect them.


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