Kaffara: An Obligatory Donation For Sining And Missing Out Fast








During Ramadan, all Muslims must fast for a month, pay fitrah, and maintain their vows. It is a sin to break any of these rules or recommendations, or to stray from the correct path. Muslims are compelled to pay kaffara as a forced gift to atone for their sins. It is the sole method to ask forgiveness from Allah via true repentance. There are laws governing who may pay kaffara and how much each person must pay.


Kaffara meaning:

The term kaffara comes from the Arabic word kafar, which means “to cover.” It is a phrase used in Islamic jurisprudence to describe the forgiveness of sin or the recompense for a wrongdoing. Those who disobey an Islamic law or guideline are required to make amends via Kaffara. It is a form of worship used to ask Allah for forgiveness.

Who is responsible for Kaffara’s payment?

The holy Quran and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) both list five transgressions for which kaffara is necessary. The following are the five infractions:


  • Breaking the fast on one or more Ramadan days

  • Taking an oath and then breaking it

  • During the holy Hajj pilgrimage, breaking the sacred ihram restrictions

  • Manslaughter, whether involuntary or intentional

  • The practice of illegally falsifying a wife’s alienation is known as zihar.


Breaking the fast with Kaffara

Fasting during Ramadan is one of Islam’s five pillars, and it is very important to Muslims all around the globe. All adult Muslims who skip or invalidate their fast during Ramadan without a justifiable cause must pay Kaffara. According to the holy Quran, any adult Muslim who is mentally sound who breaks a Ramadan fast without a good reason is committing a grievous sin. It further claims that this sin would subject the Muslim to divine wrath and disfavor both in this life and in the hereafter.

How can you compensate Kaffara for breaking his fast?

There are three types of kaffara that are required for breaking fast on one or more days during Ramadan. There is no way to pick amongst the three kaffara punishments. The first method of expiation must be carried out unless it is impossible owing to inaccessibility or a lack of resources. If the first recommended act of kaffara is not practicable, the second prescribed form might be used instead. Similarly, moving to the third form of kaffara is only conceivable if complying with the second form is impossible. To satisfy their kaffara for breaking fast, Muslims must execute one of the three specified kinds of expiation.

The first kind is

The first is to set an enslaved Mulsim free. The second type of kaffara is for those who cannot locate an enslaved Muslim or do not have the wherewithal to release one.

The second kind is

Fasting for two lunar months in a row is the second mandated act. For each fasting day intentionally broken during Ramadan, one must fast for two months without stopping. Furthermore, if one purposely breaks the fast during the second type of kaffara, they must begin the two-month expiating fast all over again.

The third kind is

Those who are unable to fast for two months for a valid cause may participate in the third type, which involves feeding 60 persons in need. For each Ramadan fasting day that is purposely broken, a Muslim must feed 60 needy people. This may be accomplished by feeding 60 meals to one needy person, delivering six meals to ten poor persons, or any other combination as long as the poor get a total of 60 meals for each day of fasting. In addition, a Muslim may donate their kaffara to a humanitarian organization that will feed 60 others in their place.

What is the difference between Fidya and Kaffara?

In Islam, there are two types of repentance: kaffara and fidya. While they both serve the same function of compensating for missed or broken fasts, there is a significant distinction between them.


Fidya refers to fasts that are broken or missed owing to a legitimate reason, and the person is unable to make up for it afterwards. Fidya, for example, is appropriate for individuals who are unable to fast owing to pregnancy, illness, or advanced age. Kaffara, on the other hand, is for fasts that have been broken or skipped without good cause.



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