Praise God within the way he deserves to be betrothed

Praise God within the way he deserves to be betrothed

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh 


Dua is basically submission to God and an indication that we want God. Dua has been called the believer’s weapon because it strengthens faith, gives hope and relief to those in need, and saves the supplicant from despair and isolation. and maybe most significantly, God likes to be asked and He encourages us to call upon Him for all of our needs, wants, and longings. The renowned Islamic scholar Imam Ibn al-Qayyim described Dua as follows. He said, “The dua and prayers to hunt refuge in God are sort of a weapon, and a weapon is merely nearly as good because the one who uses it; it is not nearly how spicy it’s. If the weapon is ideal and flawless, and also the user’s arm is robust and zip can stop him, he can devastate the enemy. However, if one in every of these three properties is missing, then the effect is correspondingly lacking. ”

It is then up to us, when we are doing our dua, that we do it in the best possible way. To metaphorically sharpen our swords, we should strive to invoke God in the best way and with the best manners. There is etiquette for doing dua. Following this etiquette is a sign that a person is sincere and striving to maximize his or her chances that the dua will be accepted by God, who says that He will “answer the supplicant’s prayer (dua) if he begs me ”. . (Quran 2: 186) A firm and unshakable belief in the oneness of God is an essential ingredient for the dua. True sincerity and a willingness to accept that God alone can change the course of things or fulfill requests is also required. The supplicant should zealously and insistently invoke God, but he should remain humble and calm without getting angry or bored. Prophet Muhammad, may the blessings and blessings of God be upon him, liked to speak his dua three times and also asked for forgiveness three times. [1] Praising God as He deserves to be praised is the starting point for a person to do dua. While Prophet Muhammad  S.A.W as sitting, a man came in and prayed and said, “Oh God, forgive me and have mercy on me.” Prophet Muhammad heard him and said, “You were too hasty, O worshiper. When you have prayed and seated, praise God as he deserves to be praised and send blessings on me, then call him. ”[2] The Prophet Muhammad also recommended raising hands during the dua. He said: “Your Lord, may he be blessed and exalted, is kind and generous, and he is too kind to have his servant sent back empty when he lifts his hands to him.” [3]

To praise God as He deserves to be praised is actually to work out His oneness. he’s the primary, the last, the start and therefore the end. He alone has the ability and also the strength. Know this and send blessings on Prophet Muhammad before you supplicate God When turning to God, the supplicant should do so with humility. God tells us within the Quran that humility may be a desirable quality which a believer should call upon his Lord with a combination of hope and fear. Hope that God hears his dua and protects him from the trials and tribulations of life, and fear that his Lord will displease his actions. “Call on your Lord in humility and secretly. (Quran 7:55) Verily, they hastened to try to to good, and that they called upon Us with hope and fear, and humbled themselves before Us. (Quran 21:60) And remember your Lord in you, humbly and with fear and without loud words within the morning and within the afternoon. ”(Qur’an 7:20) the simplest times to do dua are just before Fajr (dawn prayer), within the last third of the night, within the last hour of Friday (i.e. within the last hour before Maghreb prayer) when it rains and between the decision to prayer and iqamah (the call made just before prayer begins). Other excellent times to do dua are when the believer is in prostration


When making duas, it is important to either say authentic duas found in the Qur’an or in the traditions of Prophet Muhammad, S .A.W or the words that spontaneously spring to mind when seeking the protection or forgiveness of God . It is not permissible to set your own time, place or number of repetitions. To do so would be an act of innovation in the religion of Islam and it is a very serious matter. For example, when turning to God in his darkest hour or moment of joy, he or she speaks from his or her heart with sincerity and love. A person should never be afraid to speak to God, to pour out his heart, his longing, his love, his fears and wishes. However, when you start doing strange rituals, like doing a dua 30 times on Wednesday after Asr prayer, the trouble starts. As a rule, duas have to be either spontaneous or from what is authentically narrated. This is not complicated, Islam with no man-made rituals and superstitions is pure surrender to God, and it is simple and comforting. To wrap up this week’s article, let’s mention situations where Dua is more likely to be accepted. These situations include when one is abused or oppressed, when one is traveling, when one is fasting, when one is in dire need, and when a Muslim does dua for his absent brother. FOOTNOTES: [1] Abu Dawood, An-Nasai [2] At-Tirmidhi [3] Abu Dawood.

May Allah  be pleased with  us and may he accept our dua’s,  Aameen

Praise God

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