Servants of Allah, let us fear Allah the Exalted, and know that we must stand before our Lord, and He will ask us, and we will answer all our questions. Allah the Exalted says:
“By God, we will question those to whom we sent, and we will question the messengers.”

Servants of Allah, indeed Allah says:

“O you who believe, accept the call of Allah and His Messenger (S.A.W), if they call you to that which will revive you …”.
It is narrated from Prophet Mohammad (S.A.W) that he said:
“None of you except his Lord speaks to him. There is no translator between them.”
Servants of Allah, what have you prepared for this great day, “The Day when the slaves will stand before the Lord of the Worlds”?
Servants of Allah, it is obligatory for each and every one of us to reckon for himself before the Lord of the heavens and the earth reckons him, as the Leader of the Believers Umar may Allah be pleased with him says:
“Hold yourselves accountable before you are judged, and measure your deeds before you are judged …”. And he says: “It is enough for a man to commit all that he desires (Haram)”.
Imam Abu Hazim said: “There are two things, if you practice them, you will get the blessings of this world and the Hereafter” and he was asked what these things are. He said: “Endure what you dislike if Allah wills it, and leave what you dislike if Allah dislikes it.”
Servants of God to keep the commandments of our Lord before we meet Him, God says:
“O My servants, guard me” and he said: “Do not fear them, fear me if you are believers”.
Dear friends !!! You should know that between Man and Paradise, there are some stages of misfortune that will be encountered:
1. Death, the simplest of them.
2. Dwell in # Grave
3. Standing before Allah (He is the hardest of them).
May Allah,  give us strong heart and increase our emaan , may Allah have mercy on us ya  Allah do not make us ashamed of our sin when we meet you, purify our heart,     Yaa Allah make our iman stronger , and grant us janah, Aameen

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