the bounty of ten days of zulhijja

The Bounty Of Ten Days Of Zulhijja

 Ibn ‘Abbas (R.A) narrated that
* The Prophet (SAW) said: 


The first day of the month of Zilhijja is the day of  Allah

(swt) forgave Prophet Adam (A.S). Duk

whoever fasts on this day Allah (SWT) will

forgive him any sin between him and



(2) The second day of Dhul-Hijjah is the day of Allah

(SWT) answered the prayers of Prophet Jonah (A.S)

take him out of the fish that swallowed him.

He who fasts on this day has a reward

like one who spends years in devotion.


(3) The third day of Dhul-Hijjah is the day of Allah

(SWT) answered the prayers of Prophet Zakariya (A.S)

gave him birth. Anyone who observes this

one day Allah (SWT) will answer his prayers.


(4) The fourth day of Dhul-Hijjah is the day on which it was


Prophet Jesus (A.S). Anyone who observes this

day God will protect him from poverty and misfortune.


* (5) The fifth day of Dhul-Hijjah is the day


Prophet Moses (A.S). Whoever fasts

this day Allah (SWT) will protect him from

hypocrisy or the torment of the grave.


(6) The sixth day of Zilhijja is the day of Allah

(SWT) opened the door for the Prophet (SAW). Duk

whoever fasts that day will be looked upon by Allah

and mercy, and He will not punish him.


(7) The seventh day of Dhul-Hijjah is the day of Allah

(SWT) will cause the gates of hell to be closed, they will not be opened

not until these ten days have passed.

Anyone who fasts on this day will be covered by Allah

to him thirty doors of tribulation in his life a

open to him thirty simple doors.


(8) The eighth day of Zilhijja is the day

that is, the day of communion. Whoever fasts

that day, no one knows its number except



(9) The ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah is the day

climbing Arfa. God forgives all pilgrims

goes to Arfa. The one who is not at work

Hajj, if he fasts that day, Allah is

forgive him his sins of the past year


and the following year.


(10). The tenth day of Dhul-Hijjah is the day of sacrifice.

Whom Allah has ordained for his worship,

May Allah  accept our ibada,and accept  our dua’s  and fasting,  Aameen ya Allah

the bounty of ten days of zulhijja

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