When filling sad

When filling sad

My Brothers and sisters We are human beings it is only natural and normal that Sometimes we feel verry happy ,and som we feel sad, so when we are happy we need to ask ourselves, what is it that made us happy, if it is relationshio you have with Allah subhanahu wata’ala tha is something  evelasting. If it is something  Material connected to this world. Remember it is temporaly. and the day will come when Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala will test you By reverse it. it has to be so.Allah subhanahu  wata’ala has said clearly if  you are given and bestowed something it is not guaranteed that item will remain with you . In a verse in suratul Baqarah  Qur’an  (2) Ayat/ 155  . Allah explain we will Definitely  test every  Single one of  you several different types of loss. Its a long  Verse  but what i want to Look at today is ,when we are sad. What exactly do we need to do with the maker the owner of happiness.good. is He proper?  For a example,  if you  i am a person who has no link with salah , no link with the Qur’an,  no link with Qur’an,  how do i expect to combat to sadness that i am feeling because i have lost focus from what from the reality .Let us strive to be closer to our Lord, to meet our needs, to pray more often and to open our hearts to be among the happy servants of Allah.


A little Quranic statement that conjures up feelings of grief and depression.

Allah says



When filling sad



“Wahan” in Arabic refers to the sensation of not being able to effect change, according to Allah. To put it another way, no matter what you do, nothing changes, nothing improves, or your best efforts have failed, leaving you feeling helpless to achieve.

When you start thinking things like, “Oh, my efforts have failed, or I haven’t been able to attain…”, it’s time to stop. So the following phase is “and don’t be in pain,” and sadness sets in; you’ve reverted to your previous state of paralysis and failure, which leads to grief.


May Allah make it easy for us

Aameen ya Allaah.

When filling sad




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