What is Hajj, and why is it important?


What is Hajj




Do you want to know What is Hajj and why it is essential? So read this article thoroughly. The religion of Islam is built on five pillars, one of which is Hajj. But what exactly is Hajj, and why is it so important? Each of the five pillars has a unique meaning for Muslims since they are the foundation of Islam’s religion, and all Muslims should strive to live their lives by the five pillars to please Allah (SWT). Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam, which implies it is one of the fundamental tenets of all Muslim beliefs, regardless of the school of thought one adheres to.

What Is the Meaning of Hajj?

Hajj means ‘pilgrimage’ in English, and it refers to the pilgrimage to Mecca that every capable Muslim should make at least once in their life. Hajj is a religious event in Islam, and it is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, which means “the Way of the Prophet.”. It is illegal to engage in sexual activity, argue, engage in violence, or cut hair or nails while in the state of Ihram, a sacred form that Muslims must enter to undertake the pilgrimage. Because of the religious significance of Ihram, Muslims must always remain calm in it, even if they are fatigued from their journey.

What motivates Muslims to perform Hajj?


It is a requirement that all qualified Muslims fulfill at least once in their lives, and the Hajj trip is one such obligation. The trek is also thought to help Muslims cleanse themselves of any misdeeds and start again in front of Allah (SWT). Christians and Muslims both trace their ancestors’ footsteps back to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as well as those of his predecessors, prophets Ibrahim (AS) and Ismail (AS), as well as Hagar, Ibrahim’s wife, who traveled seven times between two hills in search of water for her dying child. Islamic religion holds that Allah (SWT) created a spring that continues today. Because of the importance of Hajj, Muslims frequently seek methods to increase their devotion to Allah (SWT), and one such approach is for women to wear a hijab (head covering).


What Happens During the Hajj?

The pilgrimage to Mecca takes place in the 12th and final month of the Islamic calendar, commencing two days before the holiday of Eid ul-Adha and lasting three days in total. This implies that the Hajj is performed throughout five days. On the first day of the Hajj in Mecca, a minor pilgrimage (umrah) is carried out as part of the Hajj ritual. The Muslims retrace Hagar’s steps between two hills after completing a circumambulation of the Kaaba, the structure located in the center of the Masjid al-Haram, which is Islam’s most important mosque. Before landing in Mecca, some Muslims travel to Medina, where the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) grave can be found. The day is completed by spending the night in the Mina Valley.


Pilgrims depart for Mount Arafat on the second day of Hajj, where they will spend the afternoon. They will also ascend Jabal al-Rahma, the summit where the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave his last speech. As the sun sets later in the day, Muslims will go 5.5 miles west of Arafat to Muzdalifah; while a bus is an option, many Muslims prefer to walk the trip.


During the last three days of Hajj, which coincide with Eid ul-Adha, Muslims circumambulate the Kaaba one more time, toss stones in Mina (which have been collected along the road to Muzdalifah), and remove the Ihram from the Kaaba (a sacred state Muslims enter to perform the pilgrimage). To symbolize renewal, men shave their heads, and women remove a lock of hair from their hairstyles. Muslim pilgrims will go to Mecca for the annual sacrificial lamb slaughter and distribution of the meat to the impoverished over three days during Eid ul-Adha. They will also participate in the Hajj pilgrimage.

Benefits of Hajj



Hajj is one of Islam’s most important pillars. “…And (owed) to Allah from the people is a pilgrimage to the House – for whoever can find to it a path,” Allah, the Almighty, has made it obligatory on Muslims who can find a way to undertake it. But whoever does not believe, Allah is without the need of the worlds.” 3:97 p.m. (Surah Al-Imran)


The many pillars of Islam are only a few innumerable ways to worship in Islam. Fasting, for example, is entirely physical, requiring the exertion and movement of the body; prayer, on the other hand, is both physical and involves refraining from products that one enjoys; some are solely financial, such as Zakah; and yet others are both physical and financial, such as the Hajj. Hajj entails both physical and financial commitments. Here we will discuss some benefits of Hajj.

Teaching Muslims to respect Allah’s symbols

Allah Indeed, the Almighty states that the first House (of Worship) constructed for humanity was that at Makkah, which was blessed and served as a guidance for all people. There are distinct signs (such as Ibrahim’s standing position). And anybody who enters will be secure. And a pilgrimage to the House is owed to Allah from the people – for whoever can find a path there…” 3:96-97] [Surah Al-Imran]. “It’s like that” (is so). And whoever appreciates Allah’s Symbols, it is undoubtedly from the devotion of heart.” [Al-Hajj Surah]

Creating a culture of compassion and love among Muslims

Muslims from all over the world converge in one place, regardless of language, color, or origin, to supplicate only one God and circumambulate only one House. Their goals and intents become increasingly unified as a consequence, and the Muslims begin to behave more like a single individual.” According to the Prophet, ‘Those who believe in reciprocal love, compassion, and sympathy are like one body. A malfunctioning organ causes the whole body to become agitated and feverish, causing the organ to fail.” [Muslim]



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