Do you know what is Hajj?

HajjWhat is Hajj?

Hajj is the fifth and final pillar of Islam. Basically, in Arabic language, the word Hajj means to intend or to visit a place or a person. And from the sight of Islamic Sharia, it means to visit the house of Allah (بیت الله) or Ka’abah in a specific time, and for performing specific actions.

Hajj is Fardh

As mentioned before, Haj is one of the five pillars of Islam, and it is Fardh (obligatory) on every single man and woman. Allah (SWT) says in his book: “and (from the rights of) Allah on the humans is to visit the house (but on those) who he can afford (the expenses of) its way.” (Quran, ch 3, ver 97). So, this verse shows that it is one of Allah’s rights, or Fardh on all the Muslims to visit the Ka’ba if he/she can manage the expenses of going to Ka’ba, and coming back to home. In addition, the pilgrim should not have any illness that resists him from offering the actions of Haj, and if the pilgrim is a woman, then she should also have an intimate with whom she travels the Hajj way.

How many Times in Our Life?

Despite the Salah which repeats five times in a day, and the fast and Zakah that repeats every year, Hajj is obligated only once in whole life. Since, the prophet of Allah (SAW) himself has performed one Haj in his prophecy time, and that was in the tenth year of migration.

When to Offer or Perform Hajj?

Allah (SWT) says: “the Hajj is (in) specific months” (Quran, ch 2, ver 197). In the commentary of this verse, the scholars say that the months of Hajj are Shawal, Dhul Qada and ten days of Dhul Hajja from the Hijri calendar. Also, note that the main actions of the Haj are performed in the month of Dhul Hja, but one can wear the Ahram intending the Haj from Shawal and Dhul Qada, too (but not before it).

How to perform Hajj?

Same like Salah and fasting, Hajj has its own Fardhs (obligatory) Wajib and Sunnah which have to be kept in mind when you want to perform the Haj. Following is the details of the actions of Hajj:

Five Things are Fardh in Hajj:

* Niyat (intention) of performing Hajj

* Wearing Ahram

* Reciting specific words called Talbya

* Standing on the hill of Arafah

* Circumambulating the Ka’ba or Tawaf-e-Ziarah

Note: Ahram is a type of white clothing that is worn in a particular way, and that should not be sewed.

Note: Tabya is: لبیك الهم لبیك ، لبیك لا شریك لك لبیك، ان الحمد والنعمة لك والملك لاشریك لك (labbaik Allahumma labbaik, labbaik Allahumma labbaik, innal hamda wanni’mata laka walmulk lasherika lak)

Note: Arafah is a hill near the city of Makkah where the pilgrims have to go on 9th of Dhul Haja, and stand there until dusk, or at least for a while. This is the most significant Fardh of Haj. Since, the prophet of Allah (SAW) says: the Hajj is Arafah.

Note: From the circumambulating of the Ka’ba, Circumambulating after the Arafah is meant.

Note: if any of the above actions is missed from a pilgrim, the Haj is considered not to be performed.

Note: The Fardhs mentioned above may be different (less or more) according to other scholars of the Islamic Fiqh.

Wajibs of Hajj

Wearing Ahram before entering the surrounding of Makkah city.

* Running between Safa and Marwa seven times.

* Waiting on the hill of Arafah until the dusk.

* Standing in the ground of Mazdelifa.

* Shooting the statues of the devil (with tiny stones) for three days.

* Shaving or cutting head hear or part of it.

Note: The surrounding of Makkah city is specified by particular marks called Miqat.

Note: The head has to be shaved in the days of Eid Al- Udhuha.

Note: Here too, there may be controversy among the scholars of Islamic Fiqh.

Sunnah of the Hajj

* Tawaf-e-Qudum or circumambulating on the first visit of the Ka’ba.

* Starting circumambulating of the Ka’ba from the Hajar Aswad.

* Sermon of the Imam who leads the Hajj.

* Staying in Minah and lasting the Arafah night there.

* Leaving Mina for Arafah after the sunrise.

* Bathing for the day of Arafah.

* Staying and spending night in Mazdelifa after performing the Arafah.

* Going to Mina from Mazdelifa before sunrise.

* Lasting this night again at the Minah.

Types of Hajj

Hajj can be performed in three different ways defined as follows:

Hajj-e-Qiran: In this type of Hajj, the pilgrim intends to perform both Haj and Umrah together with one Ahram. It means when the pilgrim wears the Ahram for performing the Umrah (at the time of entering the Makkah city), he/she should not take out it until he/she performs the Hajj. The word Qiran is best suited for this type of Hajj, because in Arabic, Qiran means to join.

Haj-e-Tamatu: The pilgrim intends to perform both the Hajj and Umrah with two different Ahrams. It means the pilgrim wears Ahram for performing Umrah (while entering the Makkah city), and then takes out it. And then for Haj, he/she wears another Ahram.

Haj-e-Mufrad: In this type of Haj, the pilgrim intends to perform only the Haj without Umrah.

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