Why Music is Haram in Islam?

Music is a form of art and expression that uses organized sounds to convey emotions, ideas, and experiences. It is created by combining various elements such as melody, harmony, rhythm, and often lyrics, to produce a coherent and aesthetically pleasing auditory experience.

In Islam, the permissibility of music is a subject of debate among scholars and within various Islamic traditions. It’s important to note that there isn’t a single, universally accepted stance on music within the Islamic community. Different scholars and schools of thought have varying opinions on the matter. Here are some reasons why some Muslims believe music may be considered “haram” (forbidden) in Islam:

  1. Lyrics Content: Some argue that music often contains lyrics that promote themes or messages inconsistent with Islamic values, such as immorality, violence, or excessive materialism. In this view, it’s the content of the music rather than the music itself that is problematic.
  2. Distracting from Worship: Some scholars believe that music can be a distraction from the remembrance of God (Allah) and can divert a person’s focus from their religious obligations, such as prayer and recitation of the Quran.
  3. Negative Effects on Behavior: Certain Islamic scholars argue that music can have a negative impact on a person’s behavior, leading to sinful actions or behaviors. They believe that certain types of music can influence people in harmful ways.
  4. Waste of Time: There is a concern among some Muslims that indulging in music can lead to a waste of time that could be better spent on religious or productive activities.
  5. Imitating Non-Islamic Cultures: Some argue that music is associated with non-Islamic cultures and may lead to imitation of practices or lifestyles that are contrary to Islamic teaching


The bell is a wind musical instrument of Shaitan.

There are Hadiths in which the Prophet Muhammad reportedly discouraged the use of musical instruments and singing, particularly in certain contexts. These Hadiths are cited by those who argue against the permissibility of music.

Some scholars interpret a verse from the Quran, specifically Surah Luqman (31:6), as indirectly discouraging excessive indulgence in idle talk and distractions, which could be interpreted to include certain types of music. However, this interpretation is debated, and others argue that it does not specifically refer to music.

It’s important to emphasize that these views do not represent the beliefs of all Muslims. Many Muslims, including scholars and laypeople, enjoy music in various forms while adhering to their faith. Others take a more cautious approach, avoiding certain types of music or lyrics they find objectionable while listening to music that aligns with their values.

Ultimately, whether music is considered haram or not varies from person to person and from one interpretation of Islamic jurisprudence to another. As with many religious matters, individual beliefs and practices can vary widely within the Muslim community. It’s essential to consult with knowledgeable religious scholars and consider personal conscience when making choices about music and other forms of entertainment in the context of Islam.

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