Factual Reality

Factual Reality


His age is declining but he does not blame himself for it. *

* If his money goes down he will sue after the money comes back but the years don’t come back. ”

[07/11, 07:33] ?: The second.
He always eats Allah’s money, and if it’s halal, he’ll be asked; if it’s haraam, he’ll be punished, and he has no idea when his reckoning will conclude.
3rd place* He always approaches the Hereafter and separates himself from the world, but he is more concerned with the world than with the Hereafter. He has no idea if he will end up in Paradise or Hell.
will be more beneficial to you than your prayers and good acts
* The Earth’s rotation is three (3) days *
* We spotted it the day before yesterday and it never came back *
* Today: We are in it; nevertheless, it will not stay indefinitely.
* Tomorrow: We are not going to be here tomorrow.
Because you and I are both travelers, do kind to everyone, live in peace with everyone, and abound in forgiveness and charity.
According to Abdullah ibn Umar (ra), the Messenger of Allah (saw) grabbed me by the shoulder and said,
“Act as if you’re a stranger or a wanderer in this world.”
Ibn Umar (ra) also used to say,
“Before you die
 Do not expect to live until the morning in the evening, and do not expect to live until the evening in the morning. Take advantage of your health before you get sick, and make the most of your life before you die.”ö
May Allah make it easy for,  Aameen
Factual Reality

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