Islam and Other Religions

Islam and Other Religions

The word Islam is the base of the Arabic word أسلم (Aslama) which means to submit, or submit one’s will to someone else. It can also mean to enter in peace and calmness.
I have heard many times the question that Islam is a 14-hundred-old religion, and which is a relatively short time period than other religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and others. They even raises the question that from the beginning of the world, and arrival of the human being to the earth, why did Allah ﷺ not send this religion to the human being if this was the only true religion.
But it looks that these type of people are so deluded. In fact, the religion of Islam is the first religion sent for the welfare of the human being. This is the religion given to prophet Adam (AS) who was the first human being on the surface of the earth. Then, from prophet Adam (AS), to prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), all the messengers of Allah (SWT) were given the only religion which is the religion of Islam.
Allah (SWT) clearly says in his book: “with no doubt, the (only acceptable) religion to Allah is the religion of Islam.” (Quran, Ch 3, Ver 18). So, how can he the almighty orders the human being to follow another religion? Or to worship any other deity rather than Allah (SWT). Indeed, Allah (SWT) ordered all the prophets from prophet Adam (AS) to prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), to worship only one Allah (SWT), and not to associate partners with him.

Islam and Other Religions

                                                              Islam and Other Religions
Thus, Allah (SWT) says in his book: “And with it (Islam), Ibrahim and Yaqub advised their children. O my children! Indeed, Allah has selected this religion for you. So, don’t die but being Muslims.” (Quran, Ch 2, Ver 132)
In another place of the Quran, Allah (SWT) says: “he (Allah) has executed the same religion on which he advised Nuh, and what we have revealed to you, and what we advised to Ibrahim, Musa, and Isa. To establish the religion, and not to be divide in it.” (Quran, Ch 42, Ver 13)
As a result, it means the only religion sent to the human being is the religion of Islam. It is the religion of Tawhid (unity). This is the humankind who fabricated the religion of Allah (SWT), and has made ways through it.

Islam and Other Religions
Of course, this is the real phase. According to many Islamic historians, the people of prophet Nuh (AS) were the first to worship statues and idols besides Allah (SWT). Between prophet Adam (AS) and prophet Nuh (AS), there was not any single human being who has ever worshiped other deities rather than Allah (SWT). Consequently, they established the base of associating parts with Allah (Shirk) in the human history. Afterwards, they were destroyed. But Shirk was again refreshed, and nowadays, there are hundreds of religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism and others around the globe that associate partners with Allah (SWT), and do Shirk. However, Allah (SWT) and his prophets have never ordered with it.
Thus, all the religions of the world that worship other deities rather than Allah (SWT), are breaking the most fundamental and the basic rule of the religion of Tawhid which is worshiping only one Allah (SWT). They have made the biggest lie on Allah (SWT), and because of it, Allah (SWT) will never forgive them. Since, Allah (SWT) says: “indeed, Allah will not forgive that someone is associated with him, and he forgives (anything) shorter than it for whom he wills.” (Quran, ch 4, ver 48)
However, Christianity has made slight different change relative to the Shirk to the religion of Tawhid. They were also ordered by prophet Isa (AS) (Jesus) to worship only one god, and not to be divided in accordance to the religion. The true companions of Prophet Jesus were on the same religion brought to them by Prophet Jesus. But unfortunately, the rest of the people of his community changed the base of it, and added something new that was never given to them.
They claimed divinity, and thought that prophet Jesus (AS) was even god himself, or the son of god. In the real Injeel (bible) that was sent to them, there was no single verse that confirms the faith of divinity or trinity. Allah (SWT) says about them: “O the owners of the book! Don’t exaggerate in your religion, and don’t say about Allah except truth. Indeed, Maseh, the Isa son of Mariam (Mary) was the messenger of Allah and his word.” Quran, ch 4, ver 171). Also, in the same verse Allah (SWT) says: “And don’t say trinity. If you give up, it would be better for you. Indeed, Allah (SWT) is one. He is pure from having a son.”
According to their faith prophet Jesus was crucified by the Jewish officials, and he was revived after three days. But Quran clearly denies it, and says: “And neither they killed him nor crucified him. But they were deluded by resemblance.” (Quran, ch 4, ver 154).
Furthermore, in many hadiths of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), the prophet of Allah (S.A.W) says: Prophet Jesus will come again to this world after the antichrist is appeared. He will come, kill antichrist, and will fight against all the pagans of the world.
Now, coming to the religion of Judaism. Their base comes from the prophet Yaqub (Jacob). Prophet Yaqub had twelve sons from which the twelve tribes of Israel are originated. According to Quran and hadiths of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), prophet Yusuf (Joseph), Prophet David, Prophet Sulaiman, Prophet Musa, Prophet Haroon, Prophet Yahya, Prophet Zakaria, and Prophet Isa (Jesus) were sent in Israel. All the glorious messengers sent to them taught them the real religion of Allah (SWT) which is Tawhid, the religion of unity.
Despite all this, Jews were the people who killed many prophets of Allah (SWT), and spread a calamity on the surface of the world. Allah (SWT) says about them: “so, whenever a prophet (of Allah) came to you (with the message) that your soul doesn’t like, you became arrogant. So, you rejected a group of them, and killed another group.” (Quran, ch 2, ver 87)
In fact, arrogance was the most common illness in the hearts of Jews. They immediately apposed the prophet who didn’t meet their desires, and tried to even kill the prophet. The same event happened with our prophet (S.A.W) when he came to Medina, and called the Jews to Islam. They opposed him, they tried to create problems for him, and even tried to kill him.
So, consequently, the religion of Islam is the religion sent for all the human being. From prophet Adam (AS) to prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), all the messengers were ordered to preach only the religion of unity, and not to associate any partners with Allah (SWT). This was the creation of human being who created ways in the true religion and changed it according to their desires.

Islam and Other Religions

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