A perfect story for those who face struggling with religion

A perfect story for those who face struggling with religion

It is the matter of the tenth year in the Hijri calendar when the wife of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) Hazrat Khadija, and his uncle Abu Talib died in just a few days. Prophet)story for those who face struggling with religion

Story for those who face struggling with religion

Muhammad (S.A.W) was already so exhausted from the misbehavior of the pagans of Makkah. In a hard mission over the last ten years, the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) was able to convert less than one hundred people to the religion of Islam. No more from the pagans of Makkah than it was ready to hear from the prophet of Allah (S.A.W), and take away with him. In these conditions, these events added sorrow after sorrow to the life of the prophet (SAW).
Considering it, the prophet of Allah (SAW) decided to give a little bit of change to his surroundings so that he would talk with someone whom he hopes to listen to his speeches. So, the prophet (SAW) finally decided to travel to the land of Taif. He was hoping to preach to the people of the city, and In addition, he had a slight hope of assistance from the clan of Banu Saqif living in Taif. Note that Taif is a city located to the south of Makkah at a distance of about 63.83 km 1. The prophet of Allah (S.A.W) aimed toward Taif while he was lonely.
When the prophet of Allah (S.A.W) approached the city, he saw three persons on the roadside. Their names were Abdyalail, Habib and Maswod. The prophet of Allah (S.A.W) decided to talk to them so he got near to them. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) asked them to believe in only one Allah as the creator of the world, and that he is his messenger, and that their welfare is in following him. But they showed their grudge and enmity instead of sympathy. One of them said: If I know that you are the messenger of Allah, I will tear up the covering of the Kaaba. The second one said: Is it? There was no one for Allah except you to send to us? The other one said: I will never even talk to you.
Their response was another wound on the wounded heart of the prophet of Allah (S.A.W). But despite that, the prophet of Allah (S.A.W) said them goodbye and intended to continue going inside the city. But they prevented him from even entering the city, and made such a dirty plan. They collected the rascals and impolite children of the city and, ordered them to resist the prophet of Allah (S.A.W) from entering the city.
They started throwing gravel and stones on the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) until he got completely injured and wounded. He (S.A.W) completely turned into red color because of the running blood from his body. His shoes were full of blood and were no longer able to walk. In any case, he managed to free himself from their torture, and he went out of the city.When the prophet of Allah (SAW) was exiled from the city, he was so sad, hopeless, and in the condition of anxiety. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) says: After that, I heard the rude replies of the three people of the city, and the harsh reaction of its children, I was returning to my hometown Makkah when I heard the shout of Gabriel (Jibreel). He said to me: O Muhammad! Allah (SWT) has seen all the scenes between you and the pagans, and he has sent you the angel of mountains that can destroy your enemy by only your slight sign. The prophet of Allah (S.A.W) says: Then the angel of mountains told me: O Muhammad! Allah (SWT) has sent me to help you, and if you wish, I will compress the pagans between the mountains so that they will taste the result of their bad deeds. The answer prophet Muhammad (SAW) gave is so unique, worthy to be written in golden ink, and only possible from the prophets. He said: I hope that someone from their backs will be given birth that will worship the almighty Allah alone! (Kaseer, 774)

Story for those who face struggling with religion

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